London traffic city

 Getting around London - how bad can it be?

Say -  there is a pandemic that is freaking everyone out. Nobody wants to use public transport if they can help out. You cannot control your surroundings. A group of hot and sweaty individuals from foreign climbs might get on the tube you are on, and start coughing and sneezing everywhere. This happened to someone i know. So it is best to go from A to B on a bicycle. But what if you are carrying stuff, or are scared, or just not up to cycling? Drive ! Except the current mayor has come up with this terrific new scheme called LDN or somesuch. So various neighbourhoods and streets are closed to cars, forcing everyone on to the main roads and causing unnecessary jams. Its great for the people in the neighbourhoods who dont need to get places. But what about the rest of us? The roads outside zone 1 are now more jammed than they were pre-lockdown, Anyone who has tried to get through Lewisham, or avoid it by using the south circular recently, as I have daily for two weeks will tell you, its an absolute nightmare.

So I have returned to biking - the motorcycling variety. Boy, what a thrill it was to ride home down the Westway on my Honda Hornet. My kit was a tad tired however. I am going to buy some new clothing and accessories, and review it here on the revamped Treedown. We now have gotoutofbed! What about you?


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